Admiral PC position your fleet positions his fleet fffff fffff fffff DATA-2.DAT 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJ DATA-4.DAT Glad to meet you , it will be a great pleasure to beat you. You didn t finish the game last time , were you afraid of losing? , last time you beat me. ( .) However this time You may have won last time, , but this time m sure you remember, last !time you won. However this time Last time, I beat you and this time I hope you have nt forgotten, last time I won, and this time I won last time , remember? This time !!! , you have all my ships!! !!! , I have all your ships!! :::::: press Esc when finished :::::: Lowest number goes first Press any key to start ........ ........ Has the first shot Round Misses Misses hits % hits % Admiral PC Admiral PC sinking Admiral PC Admiral PC d better catch up!! m catching up!! re not doing so well, are you?? down, to go!! XXYIt XXYIt Winner: Admiral PC Wq Winner: Score: Surviving Ships Press any key MOD-13.CHN SEEKSINK.COM